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65 matching job postings found Login
Category Job Type Job Title Posting Number Posting Date Close Date Location
Timesheet IA/ CNA /Para SPED 1:1 TS 1:1 Special education CNA/Timesheet 012787 03/05/2025 Linda Childers Knapp Elem
Timesheet IA/ CNA /Para SPED 1:1 TS IA/Certified Nurse Assistant/Paraprofessional Timesheet 1:1 012783 03/05/2025 Sonora Elementary
Timesheet 1:1 Special Ed Aide IA/Certified Nurse Assistant/Paraprofessional 012694 01/10/2025 District
Timesheet 1:1 Special Ed Aide Special Education Aide SEC Classroom 012620 10/10/2024 Harp Elementary
Timesheet 1:1 Special Ed Aide 1:1 Special Education Instructional Assistant 012773 02/27/2025 Monitor Elementary
Timesheet 1:1 Special Ed Aide 1:1 Special Ed Aide 012758 02/07/2025 Sonora Middle School
Certified Administrator Principal/1.0 012719 01/08/2025 Elmdale Elementary
Certified Athletics Assistant Volleyball coach, teaching TBD (25-26 school year) 012775 02/27/2025 Southwest Junior High
Classified Bus Driver Bus Driver FTE 1.0 012723 01/13/2025 Transportation
Classified Bus Driver Bus Driver FTE 1.0 012412 07/23/2024 Transportation
Classified Bus Driver Bus driver PTE 0.5 012784 03/05/2025 Transportation
Classified District Commissioned School Security Officer / 1 FTE 010310 02/20/2024 District
Classified District Physical Therapy Assistant/full time (SY 25-26) 012806 03/07/2025 SPECIAL SERVICES
Classified District Communications Assistant 012788 03/05/2025 Support Services West
Classified District OMAF 012782 03/05/2025 Support Services West
Classified Food Service Child Nutrition Assistant Manager - Har-Ber, 7 hrs. 012309 06/18/2024 FOOD SERVICE
Classified Food Service Child Nutrition Food Assistant - Har-Ber High, 6 hrs. 012740 01/24/2025 FOOD SERVICE
Classified Food Service Child Nutrition Food Assistant - Southwest Jr. High, 6 hrs 012319 06/18/2024 FOOD SERVICE
Classified Food Service Child Nutrition Substitute - Part Time 008160 02/20/2024 FOOD SERVICE
Classified IA /CNA/PARA SPED CL CONTRACT Special Education Instructional Assistant for CBI 012785 03/05/2025 Parson Hills Elementary
Timesheet Instructional Assistant Instructional Assistant .5 FTE 012720 01/08/2025 Bayyari Elementary
Classified Instructional Assistant PE Instructional Assistant 012760 02/10/2025 Bayyari Elementary
Classified Instructional Assistant ISS Coordinator/1.0 FTE 012016 04/30/2024 George Junior High
Classified Instructional Assistant Special Education Instructional Assistant 012515 08/13/2024 Har-Ber High
Classified Instructional Assistant SEC Instructional Assistant 012786 03/05/2025 Parson Hills Elementary
Classified Instructional Assistant Instructional Assistant 012482 08/06/2024 School of Innovation
Timesheet Instructional Assistant timesheet aide in special education 012753 01/29/2025 Shaw Elementary
Classified Instructional Assistant Instructional Assistant 012665 11/19/2024 Springdale High
Timesheet Instructional Assistant SPED Instructional Assistant - 1.0 FTE 012726 01/14/2025 Turnbow Elementary
Timesheet Instructional Assistant SPED instructional assistant timesheet 012759 02/10/2025 Westwood Elementary
Classified Maintenance Full-Time Custodian 012772 02/27/2025 Custodian
Classified Maintenance Full-Time Custodian 012801 03/07/2025 Custodian
Classified Maintenance Full-Time Custodian 012763 02/14/2025 Custodian
Classified Maintenance Full-Time Custodian 012764 02/14/2025 Custodian
Classified Maintenance Part-Time Timesheet Custodian 012667 11/20/2024 Custodian
Classified Maintenance Maintenance general 012771 02/26/2025 Maintenance
Classified Nursing Nurse (Building level) - 1 FTE 011314 02/27/2024 District
Certified School Psychology Specialist School Psychology Specialist-Full time 012757 02/07/2025 SPECIAL SERVICES
Certified School Psychology Specialist School Psychology Specialist-Full time 012792 03/06/2025 SPECIAL SERVICES
Classified Secretary Administrative Assistant 012755 02/05/2025 School of Innovation
Classified Secretary Secretary-Front Office 012742 01/27/2025 School of Innovation
Substitute Substitute (regular) Apply to Substitute in the Springdale School District 009308 02/20/2024 District
Substitute Substitute 2nd Grade Long Term Substitute (March 17- April 25) 012791 03/05/2025 Monitor Elementary
Substitute Substitute 1st Grade Long Term Substitue 012745 01/27/2025 Parson Hills Elementary
Certified Teacher District Elementary Teaching Intern Pool 012732 01/21/2025 Administration Bldg
Certified Teacher Geometry Teacher (Beginning in the 2025-26 School Year) 012733 01/21/2025 Har-Ber High
Certified Teacher Library Media Specialist (Beginning in the 2025-26 School Year) 012774 02/27/2025 Har-Ber High
Certified Teacher Medical Professions Teacher (Beginning in 2025-26) 012809 03/10/2025 Har-Ber High
Certified Teacher 1.0 FTE Library Media Specialist 012781 02/27/2025 Hellstern Middle School
Certified Teacher Special Education Classroom Teacher/1.0 FTE 012701 12/17/2024 Hunt Elementary
Certified Teacher Special Education Teacher/1.0 FTE (25-26 school year) 012769 02/24/2025 Southwest Junior High
Certified Teacher 1.0 Speech Language Pathologist 011900 04/02/2024 SPECIAL SERVICES
Certified Teacher Preschool Special Education Coordinator 012807 03/07/2025 SPECIAL SERVICES
Certified Teacher Preschool special education teacher/full time (SY 25-26) 012804 03/07/2025 SPECIAL SERVICES
Certified Teacher Preschool special education teacher/full time (SY 25-26) 012805 03/07/2025 SPECIAL SERVICES
Certified Teacher Speech Pathologist Preschool/full time (SY 25-26) 012803 03/07/2025 SPECIAL SERVICES
Certified Teacher Speech Pathologist Preschool/full time (SY 25-26) 012802 03/07/2025 SPECIAL SERVICES
Certified Teacher Assistant Track Coach w/ teaching TBD 012796 03/07/2025 Springdale High
Certified Teacher English Teacher 25/26 School year 012798 03/07/2025 Springdale High
Certified Teacher Head Volleball Coach w/ teaching TBD 012799 03/07/2025 Springdale High
Certified Teacher Math teacher 25/26 school year 012797 03/07/2025 Springdale High
Certified Teacher Science teacher 25/26 school year 012794 03/07/2025 Springdale High
Certified Teacher Science Teacher 25/26 school year 012795 03/07/2025 Springdale High
Classified Technology 1.0 Building Technology 012767 02/21/2025 School of Innovation
Certified TUTOR Tutor/Timesheet 012789 03/05/2025 District